Read it for yourself

Jesus’ life and teaching were recorded by four writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, who were his contemporaries. These four parallel biographies, known as The Gospels, can be read easily in a few hours. They form the centre-piece of The Bible, which can be purchased through any newsagent or bookshop. One popular modern English translation of the Bible, used in many churches, and on this web-site, is the New International Version, (NIV.)

The Bible can be obtained in all the major languages of the world. It can be accessed through “Bible-on-line” sites in various languages, e.g,

Read the Bible on-line

global bible

(To begin following the teaching of Jesus in the on-line Bible, type Matthew 5 to indicate the passage; -Matthew chapter 5 is the beginning of the “Sermon on the Mount.” See Sayings 3 to 30.)

Bibles in English and in other languages can be purchased through the Bible Society of Australia, or through “Bibles in your language;” Bibles in your language

Listen to the story of Jesus in your own language!  

  • For example, the complete New International Version (NIV) Audio Bible is available free, here.
  • “God speaks my language.” (
  • The “5 fish” mobile phone app, available for free download, and produced by Global Recordings Network,(GRN) gives access to recordings of the story of Jesus in over 6,000 languages and dialects! (down load here.)

Bible reading notes can help you read the Bible regularly, and understand its message. They are produced by many organizations. For example, Scripture Union is one international organization supported by Christians from all Churches. “Daily Bread” and “Encounter with God” are two popular series of dated notes for adults by Scripture Union. They are available to purchase in printed or digital format through Resources For Ministry.

The “New Testament for Everyone” series of Bible Commentaries has been produced by Prof Tom Wright, a leading historian of Early Christianity, and New Testament scholar, and former Bishop of Durham. He is a leading academic in the so-called third wave of “The Search for the Historical Jesus.” The 18 volumes can be purchased individually in print, and ebook format. They are highly readable, contemporary, and suitable for daily reading for the lay reader. The first volume is Matthew for Everyone, Part One.

A corresponding series, “The Old Testament for Everyone” is now being produced by Prof John Goldingay, internationally recognized Old Testament scholar. Also written in a down-to-earth and contemporary style, the series starts with Genesis for Everyone, Part One. These commentaries are available from online bookstores, including Koorong.